Review of the trailer.
14 December 2021
Ridley Scott has stated he's baffled by the failure of this film. I'll state why - Tobacco / smoking promotion.

86% of his audience in the UK would find the smoking offensive. He's targeting a viewer base of only 14%.

Then the character in the trailer smoking seems pretty unlikeable. I'm sure Lady Gaga's performance is what was asked of her (she is very talented), but the character alone puts you off.

So, Ridley, if you're wondering why your film failed the trailer did it for me. I don't want to see a nearly 3 hour advert for smoking, and for a character I really didn't care for.

Smoking promotion in film is a pretty lazy prop. You could say in period dramas it's part of the culture of the time, but I'm willing to bet you could remove it and if you have the right script, right actors, and right director, nobody would notice. I put it that a talented actors and directors could convey whatever they're trying to do with that disgusting prop just as easily, and more convincingly.
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