The Christmas House (2020 TV Movie)
If you like Christmas movies, you have to watch this one...
14 December 2021
When I sat down to watch the 2020 Hallmark Christmas movie titled "The Christmas House", I figured it was going to be just another archetypical Hallmark movie, you know the type that Hallmark spews out by the dozen each holiday, given the movie's cover. But with it being a movie that I hadn't already seen, of course I opted to sit down and watch it.

And thankfully so, because "The Christmas House" turned out to be one of the more heartfelt and warming Christmas movies I have sat through this year, and believe you me, I have sat through more than my share of Christmas movies already. Actually, I will say that "The Christmas House" definitely transcends the archetypical Hallmark formula, which makes "The Christmas House" well-worth watching.

The storyline told in "The Christmas House", as written by Erin Rodman and Robert Buckley, was quite good, because it was so much more than your stereotypical Christmas cheese. The storyline essentially follows three very different story arches, each interwoven quite well, and each story arch offering something special. So "The Christmas House" was definitely more than your sappy Christmas romance of girl and boy disliking each other, but finding themselves having to work together and ending up falling in love.

Aside from an interesting storyline, well storylines actually, then "The Christmas House" was also made good by the cast ensemble that they had acquired for the movie. The movie had some nice and believable performances from Robert Buckley, Ana Ayora, Treat Williams, Sharon Lawrence, Jonathan Bennett and Brad Harder.

If you enjoy Christmas movies, and especially if you want more than the stereotypical Hallmark Christmas romance, then you should definitely give "The Christmas House" if you have the chance to watch it.

My rating of "The Christmas House" lands on a seven out of ten.
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