Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Arrogance Of Fame
14 December 2021
Also known as the worst one or the crap one but its actually not as bad as people make it out to be. Sure it was really messy, has pacing issues and tried to fit too many things but it was a good movie. Certainly not as good as the other 2 and has aged the worst in terms of visuals but it works and is perfectly watchable.

If Spider-Man 2 was the burden of the mask then Spider-Man 3 is the arrogance that comes with fame, which has mixed result. The Emo Parker scene is almost universally hated but its my absolute favorite part of the movie and one of my favorite moments in any Spider-Man media be it movies, games, cartoon, animated or even comics. I will always love that part of the movie and maybe thats why I'm more fond of this movie than most other.

Obvious problem was Venom which was just bad, it was absolutely unwatchable and its such a shame too since so far Sam Raimi has nailed the essence of every Spider-Man villain up until now. Compared to Tom Hardy Venom this is the equivalent of Facepaint Deadpool from the Wolverine movie.

But everything else was fine. And its not as bad as people remember it to be. But it has to be said that it feels lacking when it comes to being a trilogy ender. Could've used another movie to properly wrap up the Sam Raimi run.

RATING: 7.5/10.
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