The Wilding (2016 TV Movie)
What was this even about?
15 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel as though I've missed something. Seems the film follows 3 families who each have a member or two with a psychotic illness, when in fact, they seem to be experiencing some kind of paranormal activity, where they might be communicating with the dead, but I could be wrong.

Then there is a mysterious man, who breaks into the car of a psychiatrist, whose own daughter is experiencing these apparitions, no idea why he broke into her car, or how he's related to anything in the film, except to say, he can communicate with the dead and makes money out of the bereaved by giving them snippets of what their dearly departed are telling him.

The ending was particularly strange, an ending, but not an ending. It felt as though there should be another episode. We end seeing the mysterious man in the home of the psychiatrist, chatting to her partner. The psychiatrist has just lost her daughter in a forest, after she directs her mother to drive to an area where a missing girl has told her to go, the girl is dead and the psychiatrist finds the body of this missing, now dead girl and her family, who presumably don't know they're dead as they are one of the families who suffer the "psychotic illness". Anyway, the mysterious man tells the psychiatrist that his daughter went to the same school as her daughter and he's come to meet her. The psychiatrist's daughter attends high school, but the mysterious man earlier mentions he lost his daughter at the age of six.

Honestly, none of it made sense and I don't even know why anyone bothered to make this film in the first place.
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