The Friendly in the "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man"
16 December 2021
What can I say its a really fun movie that knows when to be serious. The best portrayal of the Friendly Neighborhood side of Spider-Man so far and thus its full of quirky and lovable charms. Tom Holland really is the best of both worlds and altho the MCU Spider-Man movies have a lot of problems and shifts it makes sense and somehow works

My biggest gripes have to be the inclusion of Tony Stark. He's not in it a lot but his influence is sadly everywhere. That is what bugs me, Spider-Man in the MCU is literally Iron-Boy Jr which goes against everything Spider-Man is in the comics. Spider-Man is selfmade and makes his own gears, he strictly protects his identity from his closed ones and smiles through the pain no matter what happens.

This movie threw almost everything that defines Spider-Man out the window in order to seamlessly integrate to the MCU and even tho it works in this universe, its a betrayal to the character. Not saying I don't enjoy the changes because I do but it would've been much better if Peter Parker was allowed to grow himself instead of living under Stark charity.

What it does get right is the friendly neighborhood side of him and its a blast to watch Tom Holland nail the role. The absolutely right man for the job and he embraces the role and acts ring around everyone in the cast. Peter is understandably much younger than the other iterations which also explains why Aunt May is also young and hot. Even tho its not different from the comics it really does work in the MCU so I'll let it slide, plus its Marisa Tomei.

What I don't like are the casting of MJ and Ned, these two don't work for me at all. Ned is infinitely more bearable and also kinda charming and fun at times. But MJ straight up doesn't work and is absolutely nothing like the Spider girls in any media really.

There is a distinct boyish charm and its very lighthearted. Only time it gets serious is when Michael Keaton is on screen as Vulture. A solid casting that is responsible for the movie having a very smooth fun to intense transition. One of the better written villains of the MCU and definitely the biggest star of the show alongside Tom Holland. The car intimidation scene is one of the best scenes in the MCU and you really feel the tension. And since the movie is very breezy up until now it has proper impact.

Not enough credit can be given to Tom Holland who displays his superior acting chop whenever possible. Especially during the rubble scene. Not the origin movie people were expecting but its more like coming of age. The tech stuff altho not fitting with Spider-Man does give Jennifer Connelly voicing the suit and well I can't say no to that. Not because she was the perfect one to voice a female AI(after maybe Liv Tyler) but she was hilarious.

Overall I'm very fond of this movie and altho I really do believe the presence of Tony Stark muddles Spider-Man as a character. It does work in universe and people not familiar with the comics are going to have no issues with that either. I can put down my purist googles if I had fun and it works, because it definitely works and always a fun to rewatch.

RATING: 8.5/10.
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