Secretly Santa (2021 TV Movie)
Mrs. Claus, you've got mail
18 December 2021
Another You've Got Mail premise combined with app developers. Throw in the little guy (mom and pop shop) vs the corporate giant.

The relationship development shared a lot of screen time with the app development so I'm not going to try to judge chemistry.

It would have been a nice predictable ending. The "I wanted it to be you" line was changed a bit. And it mostly was predictable, but there is one final protest against "the man".

As another reviewer said, this would have been better, maybe even fine, if there had been some subtlety. The protesting was in-your-face and Miranda had a huge chip on her shoulder.

It's not a horrible movie. (It's nice if reviewers watch the whole thing before writing a review, which is usually my policy, because a lot of these movies change attitude a lot well before the halfway point,) It's just the edges are a little sharp.
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