It was fine
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself but I didn't feel like it was that good, it was good enough to have fun in but it had a lot of bugs that kept itching me. I am still not sure if its even the best Tom Holland/Spider-Man movie either. Probably on par with Far From Home? Because I haven't been a fan of Tom Hollands Spider-Man movies so far, they have always been so 50/50 with me on enjoyment, I think my problems with No Way Home (and the MCU Spider-Man movies in general) lays in my problems rooted in the MCU Spider-Man from the beginning.

My main problems include the dialogue for the other franchise Spider-Man and villains, except Doc Ock and a little bit of Norman Osborne, everyone else just spoke very weirdly. Especially Maguire and Garfiend's Peter Parkers. Their introductions felt very off they didn't seem like the spider-Men I remember from the other movies. Also the action scenes were very jumpy, like I got dizzy a few times watching this movie, that might be my personal issues with motion sickness, but I never had this sort of stuff affect me in movies before, like the camera is constantly moving, I wish it would try and keep the action scenes more focused, I don't know if it was bad CGI and they were trying to hide by compensating but it hurt. There also felt like a few times where it felt like a scene was cut for some reason, like the Lizard staying in the van... we never saw why and for some reason he was there only mentioned that he wanted to stay in the van, for some reason.

Also the comedy, once again, this is a Disney/Marvel problem but the comedy is ruining these movies, not that the comedy is bad, actual I do get a few laughs, but its the timing, the constant use of comedy to break a serious moment you are trying to let sink in. It feels like every time Marvel do this in their movies it annoys the hell out of me. Let the emotional moments sink in stop trying to jump in with the jokes, it doesn't work. Also there was way too much Ned Leeds. He is to No Way Nome was Kat Dennings was to Thor 2 Its unbearable, sometimes he gets laugh but he long overstays his welcome in this movie.

Also good points, the action when it wasnt making me want to throw up, was very good, I liked the high stakes at just seeing all the villains and seeing Spider-Men from the other movies was pretty good and seeing everyone in the cinema get excited for Maguire was a feel good moment, despite my own personal issues with the execution

Outside of that. Holland, is good as Peter Parker, the one thing that keeps me coming back to these Spider-Man Movies is Tom Holland, the romance between Holland and Zendaya is adorable. She may not be Mary Jane but she is great as her own character and I have fully accepted her, actually I liked her in the previous movie so she won me over long ago. But those two are the best.

There are also other problems I have with the movie, but its just me ringing the same bells with the previous movies so I wont repeat myself. Otherwise a pretty decent Spider-Man movie that isn't the best, but it tries.
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