A new low for videogame movies
21 December 2021
Let me say what I did like. I thought Kaya Scodelario as Claire and Robbie Amell as Chris Redfield looked the part. The Spencer mansion and Police station entrance looked identical to the games.

Thats it. Nothing worked, its very rare to see a movie this bad in present day. Most movies are 5/10 throwaway popcorn sellers which are a good fun time but not memorable at all. This movie wasn't even a popcorn flick, it was so bad that the first Resident Evil movie feels like Reservoir Dogs now.

Trying to smoosh both RE1 and RE2 in the same movie and they botched both. Pitiful casting for Jill and Leon, which are without doubt the most popular characters in Resident Evil franchise. And the script? Looks like something made by a pre-pubescent edgy teen who likes to drop the F-bomb wherever he can. I really want to know if it was in a competition with THE WOLF OF WALLSTREET as to who can drop the most F-bombs.

Garbage cinematography, extremely poorly directed and choppily edited. One of the most infuriatingly bad movie I've watched in a long time. If you're going to make a bad movie atleast make it enjoyable or campy so that atleast its "so bad its good". This couldn't even do that being all self-serious. Just goes to show we took the Paul Anderson movies for granted.

A disgrace to the franchise that bastardizes its iconic characters at every step, not that the characters looked recognizable anyway. Bloated plot, amateur cinematography, incohesive storytelling and a script written by a 5th grade truckdriver are the least of its worries. This is as bad as it can get, truly a deplorable and disgusting adaptation that never should've seen the light of day.

RATING: 2/10.
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