Not a lot of plot...like many films of the day.
22 December 2021
Back in the early days of cinema, filmmakers really hadn't imagined the sorts of stories they were capable of making. As a result, most films made from the late 1880s to about 1910 had little in the way of plot and many were non-fiction...such as showing folks feeding their baby or trains arriving at stations. And, they were, as a result, pretty dull...though folks at the time loved them because the medium was so new. "A Winter Straw Ride" is typical of these, as it really doesn't have a lot in the way of plot...just folks frolicking about and taking a sleigh ride.

The best way to enjoy this one is not to expect a lot and just enjoy the window back into 1906...to a different way of life. Otherwise, you'll probably find this slow going.
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