Arcane: Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Imagine a sweat-soaked director shaking his arms: "Characters... Characters... Characters...!!!"
22 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
(I have never played, watched nor read about LoL, I come at this review as a complete vanilla viewer of the show, based merely on a solid recommendation by The Critical Drinker).

... OK...

Every single one of the major characters has been fleshed out and created with love, thought and care along with many of the tier 2 characters.

Everyone has their place, their drives, their motivations... and their utmost fears.

I just can't get over how good they all are...

Vi: As the major protagonist is ironically the simplest of the characters in the show, but not in a bad way. She is easy to root for, wholesome and although rash at times, makes no bone-headed decisions. Her loyalties are fierce and we feel that she has lost her way somewhat without those around her.

Caitlyn: Female, comes from on high, physically solid and healthy, hot-blooded, confident and we know where she stands about Vi... We get to see Caitlyn's development, too... Far from the spoilt brat image we were initially treated to, she has become a far deeper and nuanced character, with a heart of solid gold. Perhaps one of the cleanest, purest character introduced so far, on par with Viktor as almost a mirror image.

Viktor: Male, comes from down under physically challenged and sickly, cerebral, introverted. I can't help but think that Viktor has a "thing" for Jayce...(Alejandro's voice... OMG, right? J/k) I can't help but come to the conclusion that Caitlyn and Viktor are mirrors of each other reflected on the other side of the world, considering how they started together but ended up polar opposites. They are opposite sides of the kaleidoscope: Such incredible artistry in what is basically an offshoot of an MMO... Mind is blown.

So let's look at the other side: The Villains. The Villains are magnificent, fully fleshed out antagonists.

Silko is suave, charming, deeply hurt, haunted, cool but not cold or brutal. He is calm and thoughtful and in for the long game and despite his life threatening incident, still has passion and is pretty much impossible to hate even though we know he is the early-series "Big Bad" Silko's initial feelings for Powder seem to be growing into true affection that he himself appears to be losing control of... I'm sensing that as Powder has become a woman, so Silko's feelings for her may have become somewhat... complex.

And so now we get to former Powder/ now Jinx, who appears central to the series and who I predict will become a crux in the following episodes... Even so far as I'd put real money on a Powder takeover of the Big Bad position, usurping her surrogate father figure, Silko later in the series... ala Willow in the series Buffy.

Powder/Jinx is the most complex character of all.

I actually cried when I watched her at the boxing machine. So much anger and self hatred. Her love/hate relationship with Vi and the flashbacks to the two of them as children and her guilt for the deaths of her squad mates has turned her into a bitter, self doubting dependent.

And despite Powder escaping her initial group who distrusted her and wanted her out, she has become to Silko and his group just as she was to Vi and hers: Valued and beloved by the leader, but infuriatingly out of control and distrusted by the others... It seems Powder is fated to carry her story forward with her unchanged.

My pet theory coming out of this episode is that she leads directly or indirectly to the deaths of Silko's people much like she did Vi's...

The "Baptism" scene between her and Silko was exquisite.

She has access to the HexTech, making the purple slime pretty much inconsequential in comparison to her newfound power.

My prediction going forward:

Her baptism by Silko sees her reborn to lose the only shackles she has remaining to her humanity and her restraint. And as her runaway genius talents awaken to something truly unbound, I predict things are going to escalate beyond control.

This show is just so, so good.

Characters, Characters, Characters.

Each and every one of their flawed, lovable souls....
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