A Crafty Christmas Romance (2020 TV Movie)
Hello Daddy!
22 December 2021
A Crafty Christmas Romance (2020) -

It wasn't really worth calling this film a "Crafty" Christmas just because she owned a craft shop, when in actual fact it was more about reuniting someone with a lost book, but it wasn't a bad story at all. It was very cheesey, but nicely so and it did at least have a very Christmassy feel and warmth to it.

The acting wasn't the best that I've ever seen and the last time that I reviewed this one I actually slated them all and the director for making it so twee, but upon reflection, it was probably meant to be more warm and fuzzy than a cinematic masterpiece and in that respect it was successful.

Brad Johnson as Jonah certainly had a charm about him and a lovely smile, but it was fairly obvious that they were trying to cover up the fact that he was 28 years older than his love interest Mandy, played by Nicola Posener.

There were definitely similarities to 'The Charm Bracelet' (2020), which was done better, but it was a nice concept regardless, because who wouldn't want to be reunited with something they'd lost? And wouldn't the world be a great place if people actually made an effort to do things for others in ways like that? That's probably why I keep tuning in to films like these, because they show what the world could be like if we were all just that little bit more pleasant to each other and selflessly did things for others. I'd rather live like that.

I think that the budget that they didn't spend on A-list actors or the director must have gone on the fabulous decorations and beauty shots, because they were quite beautiful and very well presented.

It was a cute enough film, but I wouldn't expect to add it to an annual viewing list.

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