Just wow
23 December 2021
It's always concerning when there is so much hype around a movie and then on top of that, being a Marvel movie fan myself, I have certain expectations.

Not my fault, Marvel set the bar, so they have to keep at that level or exceed it and they did that here!

The story is fantastic, everything you wanted and more. I did not think they could beat Homecoming but I have to say that I think they did with this movie. Tom Holland is again a great representation of the character. They pack so much story into this movie and yet it totally works. When Spider-Man 3 came out with Toby, it was too much, too many characters, too much story etc. But with this movie, it works.

When I look back on it, I can't say that there was anything I did not like, I thought that they nailed every aspect of the movie. The bad guys were great, the story line made sense and was easy to follow, the cameos were impressive and well executed and each cameo really brings their version of their character to life.

Overall I was super impressed and 10 stars is just an instinct, i just can't see anything that I didn't like I this movie, I left the theatre and I was genuinely happy that I saw it and it was everything that I was hoping it would be. When you think of the Marvel franchise, it could be easy to worry that it will never be the same now that some characters are retired/gone from the franchise. This movie gives me hope that the great storylines are there and new characters are always ready to enter the fold. If your a Spider-Man fan, I'm sure you will love this movie, it has everything a Spider-fan could want and more!
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