Time Apart (I) (2020)
Loved the movie
25 December 2021
Not a fan of Australia and their current dictatorship government. Scary times down under. That being said, it won't stop me and didn't stop me from enjoying this film. Loved the story. I felt like this was fairly realistic when it came to human interaction and I believe the ending to be how Id expect this to work out if it was ever a thing.

The subtle changes they made to the main actress to make her look older each year was just enough.

Just want to say, looking back at all my past girlfriends I could not imagine dating people like them now. I'm more mature and I am sure they are now also, but i'm talking about younger them. I'm sure they would say the same for me. I was full of myself, didn't take anything serious, and treated life like a game.

This was a great movie that really makes you think about "What ifs".
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