Unwatchable crap!
25 December 2021
I expected improvement, but it's worse than the first. This time Schneider, who doesn't appear till 32 min in and has even less to do, has lost his charm. He looks much older and more tired and seems like he's phoning this one in. Oh! And in this one? He's a wimp who gets the crap beat out of him. Star quotient tanked instantly for me. Bo-ring!!

Lorenzo Llama's face looks double its former size. He is also boring. I confess: after a few min, I FFWD to 32 mins in to see what John was up to, and if it was going to be worth watching. Nope. Scrolling with the cursor on the player showed me enough. So a man kills his brother. Whatever. It was the same exact dialogue, same exact premise as the first: pastor (preacher?) get his family offed and they have to save the church and save the pastor. Is this a LifeTime movie?? BO-RRRING!

I think the best scene was when they give Schneider's Drifter a sandwich, which looked like a Christmas present wrapped in roses paper. And it's conveniently already cut in half. That was an ok scene. He gets to eat both halves somehow never shown. The rest is fluff. Save your time and skip this one. At least, I watched (parts of) it for free. No great performance here and nothing special, even if you a Christian and all. A generous 4/10 for that sandwich scene, LOL!
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