Star Trek: The Next Generation: Angel One (1988)
Season 1, Episode 13
A Senior Trekker writes.....................
26 December 2021
Writing in 2021, it is great to see that I am not the only person taking a retrospective look at Star Trek, the Next Generation. When this series was first released in 1987, a little less than twenty years after the end of the Original Series, many people thought that, without Captain Kirk and his crew, it couldn't really be Star Trek. However, original creator Gene Roddenberry, was fully invested in the casting, writing and overall look of the new series, so let's see how it shaped up:

NO!. Just, NO.

This gender role swap episode is absolutely awful.

I can remember failing even to notice the ship-in-peril B story because of the jaw-dropping absurdity of Angel One's race of towering Glamazons and their subjugated little males. I suppose it was an attempt to do social commentary and it was of its time. That it failed to work is not really anyone's fault, at least they tried.

Totally unforgivable, however, was the "Riker engages in casual sex with strangers" trope which runs through many of the earlier episodes of TNG. This was presumably to compensate for the lack of Kirk-type "action" being experienced by an older Captain but, during the height of the AIDS epidemic, it was unforgivable. Even James Bond (Timothy Dalton in the Living Daylights, 1987) wasn't getting his kit off in those dark, dreadful days

Not every episode can stand the test of time, we should be grateful that so many do.

(Senior Trekker scores every episode with a 5)
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