Non coupable (1947)
Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
29 December 2021
With "les inconnus dans la maison" (1942),Henry Decoin, one of the past masters of the French film noir,entered his more fruitful career ;but the trilogy he made before the end of WW2 (which encompass such works as "le bienfaiteur" and "l'homme de Londres ") was not entirely desesperate : some sunshine broke through .

It was no longer that way with "la fille du diable" (1945) ,the ending of which is one of the most pessimistic he ever conceived ;that may explain why "non coupable" has TWO endings :the producers suggested he film another sweetened conclusion* ,like Duvivier reluctantly did for his masterpiece "la belle équipe" (1936);now screened just after the film ,this new denouement brings nothing new and spoils the absolutely noir atmosphere of the movie: probably inspired by Fritz Lang's "woman in the window" (1944), it comes at the most awkward moment.

I suggest the 2021 (soon to be 2022) viewer leave after the director's cut (or turn off his TV set ) for ,as Decoin intended it , it is one of the apex of French film noir and begins where the precedent movie left ; the comparison is not irrelevant :both movies feature an outcast ,Isabelle ,'the Devil's daughter" in the 1945 effort Ancelin in "non coupable" ,a barfly doctor despised by the whole town ,including his colleague ,a smug elegant man who loves to bring him down ;in their scene together ,the words do not cut,they bite.

In both movies ,the press plays a prominent part :the cynical journalist in "non coupable" , Isabelle's cuttings in "la fille du diable".

I dare you to find ONE nice character in "non coupable" ; the crimes may be implausible (one of the main reproaches when the movie was released )but they inspire the director's extremism :based on a Marc -Gilbert Sauvageon 's screenplay ,it depicts the hypocrisy and the wickedness which linger on even when the customers have left the bistro ,leaving the human wreck with the owner and the waitress.

Michel Simon ,one of five greatest actors of the French cinema , gives a superlative performance ,in the part of a man rejected by a whole town (like in Duvivier's masterful "panique"(1945) ). Good support from Jany Holt as his wife and from Jean Wall as honorable doctor Dormont.

. *"les amants sont seuls au monde " (1947) has also another sweetened ending ;producers like happy ends best .
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