Solid but not required viewing
29 December 2021
"Diplomatic Courier" is not the best film when looking at it from a modern context, but for its time in the post war era and the incipient Cold War, it was probably somewhat profound. It also seemed a seminal work in terms of the developing action/spy/thriller genre which would later give us films such as "North by Northwest", "Dr. No", and "From Russia with Love." So "Diplomatic Courier" seems to be a stepping stone to some of the much more familiar work that is now remembered. The film itself is ok though perhaps overly complex and it becomes a chore to stay focused long enough to follow all the threads. Tyrone Power is good as usual as the lead here. I will rate this film a 6/10, not a must see but a deep cut that can be watched if you're a big fan of this genre.
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