Yes, American Pie introduced woke vocab meant to lecture men!
29 December 2021
I Like Bad Raunchy Sex Filled Movies: This was not that!

It tried, but it lacked the chemistry, the comrade, the likeability of the originals. This cast was bad and never was the comedic envelope pushed.

I though it would be a female American Pie, but it just has the name and none of the gags or fun.

Maybe it's the cast? Maybe the director or the writer, but whoever is to blame, this was a stinker!

Plot: Girls make a pact to have sex I guess with one guy and none of the gags worked, no laughter, no joy. It was a joyless movie, filled with some woke lines and scenarios.

Yes, American Pie introduced woke vocab meant to lecture men.

2-3 out of 10 to be honest. This lacked fun and raunchy-ness and where are the boobs and sex?
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