A Place to Be (2017)
A LBGQT movie of love and the immigration problem in the US.
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I am just a GAY man with no talent. Except opinions.

This movie addresses the fears and misunderstandings people perceive about illegal immigrants from Mexico. Misunderstandings perpetuated by ignorant people. People who's main purpose is to encourage hate and fear.

This is a beautifully crafted movie with some minor technical flaws. It is the story of two Latino men. One born in the US,Nelson Rodrigue Abel Rendonone. One brought here before he was 6, Andrew Saenz as Diego Guerrero, and left with relatives. Despite the criticisms of other reviewers about amnesty programs etc. That is a minor point since the opening scene deals with him at the immigration office. This is a story of love and a partners devotion to each other. The ending is truely beautiful and poignant. The acting might be a bit stiff. But if you move past that to the message. It will be an enjoyable movie.

Please be warned there is a sound byte from Mr. Trump, On a personal note: I hope that chapter in the history of the US is forgotten by the world!
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