District 9 (2009)
Starts out strong.... but becomes unbearably annoying
1 January 2022
For a low budget production, they did an awesome job on the visuals and production quality... however, it lacks direction and purpose. Many people will say that this is an amazing, brilliant, genius, etc, but in reality, these people are mistaking the lack of cohesion for something highly intelligent and well made.

Anyone with a decent amount of intelligence will look right through this movie and see it for the nonsense that it really is. In contrast, people of lower intelligence will think it's a work of art. We can compare this to the known fact that ignorant people are unable to detect sarcasm, and will take what they hear at face value, completely missing the point, while intelligent people constantly communicate using sarcasm.

When a movie has no plot or purpose, it's a bad movie. There are no characters developed either, creating a disconnect with the viewer. The lack of tangible conflict and plot are the reason this movie is nothing special. We have no idea what the heck is going on. On top of that, the alien voices are excruciatingly annoying, like nails on a chalkboard.

Just because it's creative, that doesn't mean it's great. In comparison, let's note a few movies that are very creative, as well as a good storyline and conflict: Pulp Fiction Star Wars Lord of the Rings Predator A Clockwork Orange The Matrix Ghostbusters Invasion of the Body Snatchers Contact 2001: A Space Odessey Wizard of Oz ... to name a few.
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