Stella Blómkvist (2017–2021)
A must, if you like techno musicals and dumb cliche's (season 2)
2 January 2022
I watched season 1 and season 2 because of the main character (Heida Reed). She probably would be great in a movie or in another series based on a good script. First of all there is this continuous very loud techno background music (80 dB or so). First of all, I really don't know why so many Scandinavian directors think it necessary to bombard their viewers with unnecessary continuous background music. There just is not one moment without loud background music. Dear directors and producers and actors, we are not stupid and we know very well when there is tension or sadness. For instance: Stella takes a book of a shelf and at that moment the director thinks it necessary to play two very loud techno drum beats. Why? This background music is so loud during dialogues, that one hardly can hear the actors talk! Why? Secondly, why is it that in so many Scandinavian series the police or the protagonist are so stupid that they keep turning their back to the enemy. Not just once but many times and they never learn anything from their failure. This series is so full of dumb and predictable cliche's, that I wondered in what stupid universe I was watching Stella Blomkvist.
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