A Senior trekker writes...................
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Second Season of Star Trek the Next Generation has often been downplayed due to multiple production and writing staff problems, and several major cast changes. Although of mixed quality, it does contain some outstanding and brilliant episodes. Senior Trekker is extremely grateful to all those people who worked so hard under difficult circumstances to keep it on our screens.

Another "ageing" episode, this time with rather better results from the makeup department.

A small group of scientists with a highly questionable set of ethical standards have been experimenting upon a group of children to produce a super genetically superior human. Predictably, it all goes horribly wrong and, only a last minute bit of plot silliness with one of Dr Pulaski's hair follicle can save the day.

Senior Trekker does not want anyone to get the idea that we were alright with such concepts as genetic manipulation in the 1980's, We weren't and this episode left a nasty taste with many viewers. Our crewmember may have been saved but the fate of these rapidly maturing super beings, whose immune system was now so strong it killed any unmodified person they came into contact with, was left uncertain. Nor, to my recollection, do we hear what happened to them in any subsequent episode.

There was some confusing business at the beginning about Captain Picard questioning Dr Pulakski's motives. It seems to have been part of an effort to introduce some conflict now the writers had tired of having her criticise Data. It was unhelpful and may have contributed to the actor's later discomfort with the role.

(Senior Trekker scores every episode with a 5)
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