The Ravine (2021)
Interesting start but disappointing finish
3 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What started as a promising detective story petered out. In the beginning, one brother murders his wife and one of his sons, and then commits suicide Little attention is paid to the remaining son, with the majority of focus on the friends of his parents. The details revealed by the Detective contained several anomalies (two inch bladed knife was at least 4 inches) and much speculation, unsupported by forensic evidence. This was followed by more conjecture shared with the friend, rather than the next of kin. I thought there was such a thing as due process in the US - the lack of said process made the story lose credibility for me - so glad everyone forgave everybody athough, and they all went to heaven. Nice scenerey, some lovely properties - acted well, music a little loud - but otherwise nicely filmed.
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