Boring, Weak and a lack of creativity in every episode.
4 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let me first preface by saying that the first three seasons of this show were absolutely riveting and on point. The shows writing, acting, intensity and cinematography put it on par with any show on Television right now. Season 4 I expected to be the best season to date however right from the start it was a let down.

My issue immediately was how easily all the Dutton's survived that attack and recovered, John Dutton on a horse within months??? We needed a major death, Game of Thrones like balls where the writer takes the heart and rips it right out of you. Beth dying would have been unbelievable and the most realistic scenario considering how the explosions happened. It would have made the character so vulnerable and pulled them even closer together. This would have opened the door to see Rip become a mad man and we could have continued the story line with Josh Holloway as a perfect villain, which by the way what a wasted storyline...they could have carried that into Season 4 and built up such intensity.

Now to the lazy writing and frustrating character arcs:

Jaime: He has become so pathetic and weak. He is so much stronger and sharper than this. He's as smart as any of them, write him a better angle. Your wasting all he can be.

Kaycee: Once again, another waste. WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH THIS TAYLOR?! Kaycee is arguably the 2nd lead on this show, he needs to be more involved.

Beth: Unlikable and over the top, almost too ridiculous. Stop with the Beth worship. We're tired of it.

Overall a terrible season and it makes me feel like Taylor Sheridan didn't care at all, so why should we?
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