Next Level Chef (2022– )
Gordon Ramsey does it again!
6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a really good cooking show. I love all Gordon's shows, Hells Kitchen being my favorite but this one is not far behind.

The concept is different and I like that. This cooking show has 3 different levels of cooking kitchens... the top kitchen which is stacked beyond belief, the middle kitchen which is still pretty good and the bottom kitchen that barely has its bones. What is pretty ingenious is that there is a conveyor platform that starts at the top with all the best items that the top kitchen gets to choose from first within 30 seconds, then it moves down to the middle kitchen and they get to pick what's left, then it stops last at the bottom kitchen where they get whatever is left.

The judges are all pretty good. I've never heard of Nyesha Arrington or Richard Blais but I like them, they all have seem to have good chemistry. All 3 judges pick their teams on the first show where they will be their mentors. In the first heat the teams cook see whoever has the best dish and whoever does their team is safe from the elimination round. The remaining 2 teams are then vulnerable to go head to head in an elimination round. The two losing mentor chefs then pick one person from their team who they feel is the worse cook and those two go into the elimination round.

A very intense elimination round and overall this is a great cooking show concept, I really like it. Gordon Ramsey does it again... this man is a genius!
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