Beyond stupid
9 January 2022
This might have made an amusing SNL skit as a parody trailer but even at five minutes the premise would have exhausted itself. Taking the central idea of a bed that consumes anyone who happens to sit upon it and expanding it to feature film length is an endurance test. As most people who heard about this from comedian Patton Oswald and when the opportunity arose to see this I couldn't pass it. To describe it as "the worst film ever made" is too much of an honour . It is insulting in its stupidity. What one wonders while watching this is the intention of the director (who had forgotten he even made this) was to make a serious horror film or was it supposed to be a comedy. It fails on both efforts. It is a tedious slog to get through and one viewing was more than enough. It doesn't even qualify as a so-bad-it's-good film. It's not hard to understand why this faded away into obscurity and was only released recently. Film preservation is a serious endeavour but in the case of Death Bed: The Bed That Eats (a serious contender for dumbest title ever) it should have allowed to rot away and never be seen again. This is not some hidden gem that never found its audience. We can only hope that the director never made anything after this.
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