Little House on the Prairie: The Faith Healer (1979)
Season 6, Episode 10
One of the Best Charlatan Episodes
9 January 2022
Walnut Grove seems to be a magnet for charlatans and hucksters in the form of circus folk, medicine men, and ministers, often with two in one. (Seriously, it's as if there is a sign outside of town reading "All Circus Performers, Escaped or Blundering Criminals, Two-Faced Ministers, General Con-artists, Violent Racists, Etc. -> This Way!") eThis episode reminds me of "Circus Man" from Season One (apparently, though, Doc Baker's surgical skills were sharper then, pun intended). Most of the main elements are the same or similar with the "Faith Healer" reverend as the scam artist, and we get to see Charles flip out and lose it after playing a little game of Pa Ingalls, Private Eye. Also, Albert is in his second season as part of the LHOTP family and is just awesome. He's still a little cutie in Season Six before his voice starts breaking - along with the other plagues of puberty for a child actor. For example, at this age he can still get away with things like telling the Reverend Alden that Mrs. Olsen probably needs more than one church service to get forgiveness for all of the bad stuff she does! Sick burn, Albert!
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