"Hong Kong Cruise" Set in... Beijing
11 January 2022
Just wanted to point out that this episode, the crew and passengers visit Tiananmen Square, the Great Wall (I think the Badaling section?), the Imperial Palace, the Beijing Zoo, and the Ming Tombs all in like, four hours. Which would be impossible in real life. Also, there's no Chinese or Chinese-American representation - the Chinese are simple used as set dressing. The one character that is said to know their way around the area is... white. I know it was the 70's and times were different back then, but wow! It's a trip to see how things like this were approached back then.

Outside of that, the episode tries to cram too many storylines into its run-time while also wanting to serve up a visual journey around Beijing. It's cluttered and hard to recognize what's going on at any given point.
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