Plenty of questions unanswered
11 January 2022
Probably they need one more episode to answer plenty of unanswered questions

More details on

why was Dr Ashwin killed

what was it that he had discovered on the night before he was killed

how was he actually killed after drugging his dog

who was actually behind his killing

Implications of Dr Sanket's whistle blowing

What consequences did the culprits suffered

Rupesh/Sunil/Gautam we're they actually caught ??

They should have also highlighted what happened to the students who were caught for getting pmt cleared wrong way

That was most important since people will always fear punishment of the wrong doings

This serial could have set a great social and moral message but left me disappointed with plenty of unanswered questions

They can still make a last episode and convey the msg and end series on a high note

As far as acting and direction is concerned it was very good

Loved certain parts were msgs were passed through eyes and facial expressions no need of dialogues

Use of too much of foul language was unnecessary but some how that has become a trend in these days webseries

Regards Dr Ronak Shah.
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