A Senior trekker writes......................
11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
New uniforms, new credit sequence and Doctor Crusher returned to us but was Season 3 of The Next Generation really as good as we remember? Some of that enthusiasm may have have been generated by relief that the series had not been cancelled but the 1990's also heralded an era of considerably more stability behind the scenes. Senior Trekker will continue to score every episode with a 5.

This episode sets the tone for all important Klingon instalments to come. A simple story, powerfully told, it relies on some outstanding performances from guest actors and in particular from Patrick Stewart and Michael Dorn as they go up against a corrupt High Council that has tried to dishonour Worf's family name.

Re-watching it after a long interval in which so much has been added to our understanding of the Klingon political system and home world, it is surprising to see how simple the sets and costumes are, yet how powerfully they still serve the narrative. Millions may have been spent more recently on the Discovery-era Klingons but they cannot approach the dignity of Worf's discommendation scene.

It is true that this episode does give us another hitherto unknown family member but it's Tony Todd, for heaven's sake. The man was born to play Worf's brother Kurn but the same might be said for all of the further appearances he makes in Star Trek over the years. Older actors Charles Cooper and Thelma Lee, who might both be forgiven for declining the pre-dawn make-up calls, also shine as K'mpek and Kahlest.
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