Thrilling Belmondo movie packed with noisy action , violence , plot twists and high body-count
12 January 2022
Nail-biting Jean-Paul Belmondo film , full of frantic action , intrigue , twists , turns , a lot of murders and a suspenseful as well as surpring ending . This is a French ¨Polar¨ packing thrills , emotion , non-stop action , good performances , spectacular pursuits , and a moving finale . It concerns a French secret agent nicknamed L'Alpagueur , he's really a free-lance spy from the French secret agency . He is sent to execute a dangerous mission : to kill a series murderer . He's put on the investigation about L'epervier , a serial-killer who employs young boys to help him robbing banks before killing them . To attempt to communicate a jailed witness he's put in imprisonment . After a daring getaway he encounters some tracks about the heinous killer . And so begins a relentless manhunt . As L'epervieris (Bruno Cremer) being relentlessly chased by L'Alpagueur (Belmondo). Some animals get away with Murder, rape, torture. Doesn't it make your blood boil? Well - THE HUNTER did something about it.

This is an intriguing film that contains frenetic action , suspense , thrills , double-crosses , chases , violent denouement and anything else . Not the least bit believable , but quite entertaining , especially towards the end. It's one of those roles in which Belmondo does things , which is what made him so attractive as a New Wave anti-hero . He's still playing the anti-hero, of course, but there are no heroes , just middle-aged , corrupt people , thugs , and an extremely villain assassin . Belmondo lets you see the years and weariness creep up on him , particularly in the scenes with Bruno Cremer . Mostly , though , he is what the title of the movie suggests , a thorough professional , who takes well-calculated risks that confound the people who attempt to stop . He's just doing a job as a bounty hunter , and as always he survives , as Belmondo is a complete show , as he runs and leaps ; he escapes , and executes his own stunts . Belmondo sports an inimitable smile while jumps , shots and kills ; as usual , he combines action with sympathy . The movie highlights result to be the thrilling getaway and the final confrontation between Belmondo and Bruno Cremer . Enjoyable acting by the two main star names , Jean Paul Belmondo and Bruno Cremer . Belmondo steals the spectacle , as usual at the time , playing splendidly the secret agent who's double-crossed and is bent on taking his sweet vengeance on those who betrayed him and bring war along the way . Belmondo makes as his own stunts , in fact he always performed all the stunts himself but ceased to do so after the accident during the filming of ¨Hold Up¨(1985) . Interesting and twisted screenplay by Philippe Labro himself , along with Jacques Lanzmann , though it has some flaws and shortcomings . Colorful and evocative cinematography by Jean Penzer , considered to be one of the best French cameramen , who photographed various Belmondo films . Wonderful soundtrack by Michel Colombier , including a catching and emotive leitmotif .

The picture was successful at box office , ranking one of the highest grossing movie of its year in France . The motion picture was well written and directed by Philippe Labro , though it contains some gaps , shortfalls and some non-sense scenes . Labro is a writer and director, specially known for Tout peut arriver (1969) , The Heir (1973) and L'alpagueur or The Hunter Will Get You (1976). Journalist, songwriter and author , his parents are deemed Justs having sheltered members of the family of Maurice Bernart . He was an expert on action genre , and realized various vehicles for famous French actors , such as Yves Montand (Chance and violence ), Gerard Depardieu (Rive Droite, Rive Gauche) , Claude Brasseur (La Crime) and, of course , Belmondo (The Heir , L'alpagueur or The Hunter Will Get You) . The director Philippe Labro was a disciple and a great friend of Jean-Pierre Melville, who died three years before this shooting. Rating : 6/10 , acceptable film for Jean-Paul Belmondo fans and action aficionados .
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