I felt a definite need to write this after reading some others
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a GAY man with no talent. Just opinions.

This was a beautifully written an concieved story. The movie deals with some serious issues HIV, Drug Addiction. More than that it deals with relationships and the effects HIV and drug abuse have on the people that love the addict and those around them. I believe the title is a metaphor "HOLDING TREVOR" for the theme of the movie. "What is HOLDING TREVOR?" "Who is HOLDING TREVOR?"

Brent Gorski as Trevor gives a very emotional and impassioned performance. I think the fact he wrote the script is is indicative to his understanding of Trever. It felt very personal. I truly felt we are seeing inside Brent Gorski.

The person you will end up rooting for is. Eli Kranski as Ephram. His first encounter with Trevor is in the ER where he brings Darrell for an OD. Like Trevor I really did not remember him . Then they met up at a party. The gods and stars and lights aligned.

I am a hopeless romantic and I freely admit it. I think they have a 12 step program for that now. Seriously; this popped up on my Amazon "We think you might like" and I did. I think you will too.
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