Pac-Mania (1987 Video Game)
Pretty interesting piece in Pac-Man's history..
13 January 2022
Pac-Mania is a.. pretty interesting game to say the least, Don't get me wrong, The game is not bad at all, infact it is actually very impressive for the time but playing it now in 2022.. Let's just say that it is one of these games that you have to start with "At the time.." everytime you wanna talk about it..

So at the time, Pac-Mania was a very ambitious game, I really appreciate what they tried to do with this whole isometric pov direction and new power-ups and stuff, The art style is really cute and pleasant to look at, Everything looks so alive and vibrant, It is really cool, I think the gameplay is what takes the whole game down for me, while it is pretty fun in the beginning, It gets repetitive quickly, The camera is too close to Pac-Man, You don't really have enough time to react, Even though you can jump in the game, which is like.. the greatest thing ever to be implemented in a Pac-Man game, but still I just don't really feel like playing after like 10 minutes and that's pretty bad, Even for a Pac-Man game in my opinion, I don't know, I heard that the arcade version is a lot better, but as far as this version goes.. I just think that there's a lot more better Pac-Man games out there to play in 2022.
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