Review of Sex Appeal

Sex Appeal (2022)
Cringeworthy with some wonderful performances
15 January 2022
Sex appeal is the story of an high IQ girl who wants to develop an app that calculates how to have sex to win a contest. The typical "gender roles" are switched here- with the female being cold , calculating toward sex and the man being emotional and attached.

The problem with this movie is it really isn't funny and very cringeworthy. So many scenes feature just awful dialogue and writing. The biggest issue here is that the characters don't feel like real people. It makes it more difficult to get invested in the story and makes the 'drama' feel less impactful when it ultimately happens.

That being said the acting is actually quite good. Mika Abdalla absolutely shines as Avery , our main character and gives it her all for what she has to work with. She definitely saves this movie from being a mess along with a pace that keeps things moving along. I wasn't bored with it I just ultimately felt like it needed to be something else.
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