Review of Mirage Men

Mirage Men (2013)
Neither Superman nor plane but a flock of birds
16 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who has studied the UFO/UAP decades-long story, as well as the field of ufology itself, from a detached perspective as possible, is likely to come to the realization that, indeed, there is something 'out there' ... albeit past, beyond, and beneath all the wild goose chases and red herrings, which only serve to muddy the waters and, in the case of the late, poor Paul Bennewitz, cause some researchers/investigators to go from being caught up in a nest (a mare's) to ending up in one (a cuckoo's).

Why all the bird references? Because our story here concerns a particular 'Sparrow', nicknamed such for his being part of a COINTEL outfit dubbed 'The Aviary,' which in the early 1980s singled out an Albuquerque citizen (in Bennewitz) to be their, ahem, pigeon.

Physicist and businessmen Paul Bennewitz was clearly a man of above-average intelligence, which is what makes what became of him all the more curious; a tragedy that in some respects reminds me of the equally sad case of MK-ULTRA victim Frank Olson, only in this instance no dosing of LSD on an unsuspecting scientist was ever involved.

The intriguing MIRAGE MEN recounts the entire tragic case of Paul Bennewitz, with appearances by Greg Bishop (author of "Project Beta") and even 'Sparrow' himself (aka, Richard Doty). Linda Moulton Howe can be spotted in this as well, in one scene putting to the director the straight-out question as to what kind of documentary he's making, understandably not wanting to be set up as it were and thus made to look a fool.

One may wonder why Howe is even in this. Well, it turns out that in and around the area where Bennewitz made his home there apparently were a number of cattle mutilations that were taking place, which is why Howe and fellow 'mulologist' Gabe Valdez (a friend of Paul's) turn up here on camera.

Okay, and...? How is this in any way related? I'm not entirely sure, but if you ask me, I personally think that any leaked story which claims that ufonauts were out to cross-breed the locals with material from cattle in order to cure lactose intolerance in the region, via the creation of self-milking hybrids, a rather far-out theory and one that can be safely dismissed.

Also featured in this is one-time UFO researcher Bill Moore, including clips of the infamous speech he gave at a MUFON conference in the late '80s. You got to give this guy credit for being courageous enough to come forward about his involvement with the Aviary. Say what you will of Moore, he wasn't chicken about it.

If MIRAGE MEN does anything other than entertain, it's that it provides I think a most valuable lesson for anyone -- amateur or professional -- interested in examining the UFO phenomenon: Beware of disinfo agents, be wary of so-called insiders and supposed whistle-blowers, lest you possibly be led astray and taken in by a sophisticatedly engineered deception and wind up wrapping your car in aluminum foil, a la the paranoiac Bennewitz. (Technically speaking, Paul was no tinfoil hatter.)

As I perceive it, the Bennewitz case illustrates how easily an average citizen can become duped, by, say, a false-flag operation (a staged event), should one ever occur in the future on a worldwide scale/on society at large, under the official story of 'ET'-initiated contact. After all, it might all turn out to be a cleverly orchestrated mirage.
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