Interesting but should raise a collective 'urgh'
16 January 2022
No spoilers, you know right from the start this is a documentary about forged paintings sold as real before the scam was figured out.

Now I did enjoy it, it was very interesting, and has a kinda true crime feel about it. Which I guess it is. The progession of the story is compelling, even if you don't like art, and hearing both sides of the story does make you scratch your head with who is telling the truth. So definitely worth watching.

I think I balked a bit during the interviews with the millionaires. Talking about their sob stories about buying a fake painting, having done no investigations themselves, and have no insurance presumably/stupidly?, and had to sue. Trying to dress it ip like we should all feel so bad for them. Wah wah wah. Get a grip. It's the average person's equivalent of buying a gucci tracksuit then finding out its a knock off. Annoying yes, but you get on with it. But that's my personal bugbear, and probably should have been included for balance in reality.

It is worth watching too, and left me wondering how many fakes are out there now!
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