Jingle Bell Bride (2020 TV Movie)
Small town Alaska
18 January 2022
Hallmark Christmas films do have a tendency more often than not to be very predictable, cliched, very cheesy, too schmaltzy and over-scored, the worst of them also contrived and unrealistic. There have been many times where they have also been very cute, warm hearted, heartfelt, charming and appealingly acted. Really did want for 'Jingle Bell Bride' to be all of those latter adjectives, as Hallmark have shown quite a number of times that they can make watchable films.

2020's Hallmark output did vary in quality but was not near as bad or wildly uneven as it could have been. None of the films from the batch were really terrible, and a small handful of them were actually very good. 'Jingle Bell Bride' was not quite one of the very good ones or one of the best of the batch, but it was well above average in my view and much better than its fairly corny title suggests. A lot of Hallmark's film titles don't do their film's actual quality justice and 'Jingle Bell Bride' is one of them.

'Jingle Bell Bride' is not perfect by all means. It does start off on the slow side with some very slight plotting, a lagging pace and not all the dialogue flowing. Ronnie Rowe doesn't find his groove straightaway, not seeming entirely comfortable early on.

The most problematic section of 'Jingle Bell Bride' was the final quarter or so. The drama for my tastes seemed contrived and lacked tension and the ending was an anti-climactic too tidy damp squib.

On the other hand, Julie Gonzalo is the main reason to see the film. She is a sheer charming delight as a character that's likeable and grows. Once Rowe's character grows, he becomes more confident and easier to like. Their chemistry is sweet and genuine, even if it takes time to develop. The supporting cast are solid, often have found with Hallmark that supporting cast actors can be better than the leads and nobody is dull or annoying here. The characters don't seem like stereotypical ciphers, have personality and they are not unappealing ones.

Production values still manage to be great. It's not too drab or garish in photography, the editing didn't seem rushed or disorganised and the scenery has a real charm to it. Often have found the music a problem in Hallmark Christmas films, but it wasn't over-scored and wasn't inappropriate tonally. While the dialogue is not what one would call amazing, it is not as cheesy or as forced as a lot of festive films or films with similar story types. The story is formulaic and does have pacing and dramatic problems, but is also immensely charming and heart-warming on the most part and there is nothing mean-spirited about it.

In conclusion, not bad at all and pretty decent even. 6.5-7/10.
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