Family Gem
18 January 2022
Director Chris Woods brings us "Family Snapshot". Chris is more recognizable with titles like Amerikan Holokaust, Chaos A. D.,Taste Me, Death Scort, Cannibal Claus and Make them Die Sleazy to name a few. Chris is known for pushing the envelope with his movies. Family Snapshot shows how Chris has grown as a filmmaker and will really get attention in a good way.

Eigh8t the Chosen One plays Jonathan Oswald JR. Who will truly mesmerizes the audience with his portrayal as a former drug addicted Skin head. Out of Jail for a few years and a totally different person he struggles in society. Money is tight and his purpose in life is questioned.

Nico Hicks plays his therapist who has made tremendous success. His therapist helps him with his drug addiction and trying to find him a job. But a few setbacks and the release of his father Jonathan Oswald Sr. (Bob Glazer) from Jail sends him back down the path of destruction.

Armed with a sack of money his father spends his days with whores who take advantage of his ailing health and steal from him. He also tries to get his old gang rounded up to raise hell but either there dead or nobody wants to go down the path he is adamant on.

His dad is in bad health and losing his memory wants to make a statement. He feels society needs to be shaken up and wants to go out with a boom.

Jonathan Jr starts weakening and going back on drugs and a job his therapist got him fails. He has no money and is desperate. When his father devises a plan to take back whats there's he is easily influenced.

Trying to make his dad happy and proud he goes along with him. But his poison starts making him think it's not the rite way after all. His hate and destruction shouldn't be carried out or will the demons that are eating away from him make him carry out this deadly deed.

The acting in this movie is amazing. Eigh8t the Chosen One really puts it all in here. Every emotion is explored and displayed beautifully. Your actually feeling his pain. You will be angry, sad and happy thought out the movie. The expressions on his face are going to get him noticed and respected as a serious actor.

Bob Glazier nails it as the senior Oswald and really chews the scenery with his sarcasm and anger. I couldn't think of a better person to play the role. Bob has never been so focused and professional in delivering such a powerful performance. The chemistry between him and Eigh8t are what makes a good movie.

There are a few scenes with Bob and Eight that truly grab you and emotionally get to you. There conversations are never boring or forced and just flow with creativity of a combination of great writting, direction and acting.

A few Of Mr. Woods regulars have memorable cameos. Joel D Wynkoop and Cathy Holseybrook Wynkoop play two very creepy evangelist that haunt Eigh8t throughout the movie. Cayt Feinics and Eric Danger Dionne also have a pretty cool serious role.

Jonesy (Joe Makowaski ) and Travis (Sean Donohue ) play father and son and need a movie of there own. Jonesy is real good in this role.

Nico Hicks as the therapist trying to get through to Oswald Jr really is a believable therapist that you would look Forward to meet with. His charm and thoughtfulness really shows compassion. He was the only one that could really get though and truly was helping.

Along with some of the best cinematography and wise decision of shooting in black and white. The score by Toshiyuki Hiraoka fits and adds to the feel of the movie. It brings the scenes to life and draws the viewer in to its haunting and well thought out.

I boasted about Eigh8T the Chosen one acting abilities here,but what really surprise me is his vocals. "God Hates Me" is very good and catchy. Stay for the end credits to hear.

I can't recommend this movie enough. This movie will reach a wide audience. I was truly amazed and blown away by everyone involved. This is all came together magically and worked. I see many awards and exposure on this.
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