Houseboat Horror (1989 Video)
Delightfully horrendous
19 January 2022
Often cited as one of the worst movies in Australian cinema and given its abysmal production quality and all-round general badness its not hard to see why. This is definitely unintentionally hilarious as well as being downright awful with horrendous acting, awkward camera shots, terrible writing and cheap gore effects.

The plot is about as standard as you can get with a rock group accompanied by a film crew to produce a music video at the desolate Lake Infinity, unaware that a maniac has snuck aboard their boat and one by one start getting brutally slaughtered.

Considering that it's shot on video (or SOV if you will), it isn't surprising that the movie looks grainy and dull with grey and barren locations that gives this a rather washed-out look. However despite all the flaws, there's a lot of fun to be had here with entertainingly bad death scenes, thick layered Aussie accents, horrible yet 80's crazy fashion, camp dialogue and a killer while extremely goofy yet totally lacking in any sort of screen presence.

Overall everything about 'Houseboat Horror' is bad, down to the questionable editing choices with the same scenes used more than once, the sluggish pace and the failed attempt at ripping off other slasher movies such as 'Friday The 13th', but there's enough cheesy entertainment to keep you, but there's no denying that this movie is awful and can only recommend it if you're a fan of bad movies or slasher movies in general.
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