How I Met Your Father (2022–2023)
Bland remake that lacks the charm of the original
21 January 2022
I'll start by saying that I think the original HIMYM definitely had its flaws - while I enjoyed it, I think a lot of people here idolized it (which means no remake can meet their standards). I don't think HIMYM was perfect, so I came into this show with an open mind. In fact, there are a couple parts of this remake that I really appreciated (for instance, having more diversity than just a cab driver with an accent). But ultimately, I think it fell flat. Here are my main criticisms:

1) Too many characters: The core group here has like 6-7 characters. Which would be manageable, expect that they're pretty segmented. Instead of having one group with a couple of outsiders joining in (like Friends or HIMYM), there are like 2-3 separate groups merging. It's hard to keep track of and it's not as interesting because they all already have pre-established connections - part of the fun is seeing someone entirely new come in and form those connections.

2) Boring dynamics: What made the original HIMYM compelling was the dynamics between the characters. You had the main couple (Marshall and Lily) and the weird outlier (Barney). In this show, the main couple is barely shown together and there's no good equivalent for Barney. I think you need that sort of off-color, problematic character to laugh at. This series is too focused on making the entire main cast likable, which backfires because none of them really are.

3) Modern stuff: This show tries way too hard to insert modern references. It opens with a video chat instead of face-to-face convo (like the original), it makes too many Tinder/online dating references, the main character is obsessed with being P. C. (which is like the most stereotypical and boring portrayal of a liberal ever)... There's even a bartender who only speaks in slang.

4) Not funny: Most of the jokes fell flat. It felt like this weird combination of "Disney meets adult humor." It's like 40% kids jokes, 40% forced sexual humor, and then maybe 20% actual funny.

Even if you don't compare it to the original, it's not that good. I think it could work as a one season thing, but I don't see potential for anything more.

EDIT: I also want to add that a lot of the "diversity" complaints are really disappointing. It's one thing to complain about a show being too "woke," it's another thing to act like simply showcasing diversity is being "woke." News flash- POC exist. Showing a black person onscreen isn't a crazy leftist agenda. It's also disappointing to see people assume that these actors only got the job because of their skin color? Like, I didn't know only white people could be actors... Anyways, there's plenty of fair things to criticize this show about (like the unfunny jokes). The fact that (gasp!) a couple of brown people are there really shouldn't be a criticism.
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