Our Beloved Summer (2021–2022)
Da-mi Kim and Woo-Sik Choi have awesome chemistry.They are amazing.
22 January 2022
Da-mi Kim and Woo-Sik Choi have awesome chemistry. I hope they can work together again. Actually, I even wish they can be a couple in reality.

What's more,they have an amazing understanding of the script and the characters. I love them so much.

Besides watching all the episodes, I also enjoyed behind-the-scenes which made me even more attracted by them. Thanks to 'our beloved summer ',I meet the two outstanding actors. I also watched The Witch:Part 1. The Subversion ,a thrilling action film. The film is great, and they work together for the first time and get to know each other because of the film. According to their interview,they have been friends ever since. That's one of the reasons why they act in this play --'our beloved summer'. Da-mi Kim's Iteawon Class and Woo-Sik Choi's Parasite are worth watching as well.
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