Boys State (2020)
A socially valuable and surprisingly compelling documentary
27 January 2022
Personally, I attended Nevada Boys State in the summer prior to my senior year old of high school in 2013. So this documentary was quite exhilarating as a vehicle for helping me revisit and reevaluate my time during that eventful week; what I learned about government, leadership and male friendship. I'm grateful for my time there. I really would like to hear about the reaction of other Boys State alumni to the film.

I was amazed by how compelling the documentary ended up being, it was filmed very professionally while still being fly on the wall, it wasn't scripted, so the fact that they chose to focus on the boys who ended up going surprisingly far and crossed paths at times made for a compelling narrative that came out of serendipity and manages effectively to make you emotionally invested in a mock government election.

I will admit I thought the parts of the film where we hear about the boys' own subjective opinions and perceptions of real political figures and institutions to be quite unnecessary and cringeworthy but they were easy to skip over and didn't drag it too much. I also wish we could have heard more from the real adult organizers of Boys State to get a sense of what their vision for the program even is and how they view the occasional chicanery that takes place there.

I really wish we had a similar documentary for Girls State, as it would be interesting to see how teen girls process modern politics in contrast to their male counterparts, maybe in a more swing state like Georgia or Arizona. Regardless I really enjoyed my experience for the film and I'm glad for its success.
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