Way overrated
29 January 2022
I'm about to post a very unpopular view. 2001: A Space Odyssey is overrated. It's an okay movie and part of the reason why I only gave it 4/10 stars is simply to counter balance the rave reviews that this movie seems to get.

I'll give credit where it's due, visually it's stunning and the special effects that they did to make you feel like you're on a spaceship is fantastic, but the plot is weak, the storyline longer than it needs to be and the ending is a mess. Without a decent story the visual and special effects are worthless for a story. I would much rather watch The Last Starfighter or Enemy Mine, movies that have dated and cheesey special effects but a much better story than this flick.

I hate to give this harsh of a review but I can't help myself because I'm sickened to see so much accolades tossed on this movie when I can think of several that are far more deserving.

If you have any interest in trying out a SciFi movie to see what they are all about and why they are popular with so many people, avoid this like a COVID-19 infection, go with something that has a much better story like The Day the Earth Stood Still or Forbidden Planet. Maybe even Planet of the Apes which came out the same year. If you plan on getting into film production, watch the multiple film documentaries on the making of this film, it's fascinating stuff, but if you want to take a nap with classical music playing in the background, this is the perfect movie for that.
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