Star Trek: The Next Generation: Power Play (1992)
Season 5, Episode 15
To enjoy this one, don't think too much. Suspend your disbelief.
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As Sci-Fi viewers, we readily accept that a being can exist as point of light and then enter and take over a person's body. But other events can jar us out of the mood, such as O'Brien taking a 50/50 chance of death to transport a pattern enhancer. I expect that most people thought "Say what?! Why doesn't he just send down the equipment?! Surely every away team member knows how to use it."

I wish that they would write an episode and then have someone else review it for these glaring problems and then adjust it.

The writers clearly wanted O'Brien to be inhabited (so that we have the interaction with Keiko) but there's no logical reason for him to be on the planet, so instead, have the being inhabit Riker. O'Brien is in the transporter room when they beam up but someone else is at the controls, so that O'Brien greets them. Riker is unsteady on his feet, or needs help standing up, so O'Brien grabs his arm, which causes excruciating pain so the being jumps from Riker to O'Brien, without being seen by anyone. (Need to adjust some other things, but this would flow "naturally" and still have the plot point that pain will displace them.)

It's incredibly unlikely that a being that could inhabit a human could also inhabit an android. I suspect that many people questioned that but having Data as a villain provide excellent interactions, so most of us will accept that as part of the Sci-Fi.

The inhabited people retain a strong technical knowledge of the ship, know how to speak in the manner of their host, their roles on the bridge, and Troi remembers Picard, but O'Brien doesn't remember Keiko?! They wanted the cringey interaction but it didn't make sense. I think that the episode would be better without it. Also an unbelievable ending that Keiko is so quickly all smiles. That experience would haunt anyone.

When interrogating the leader (Troi), Picard let her off easy because she only quoted statistics easily learnt from only the crash site. It would have been more natural for him to ask questions that would require deeper knowledge or learn from misdirection.

The beings can take over any controls form 10 Forward but the bridge can't isolate the controls in the cargo bay? It's a weirdly designed ship, but we mostly accept that, even when we laugh at how silly it is. Why are the aliens taking over 10 forward instead of the battle bridge? Perhaps that would probably move the plot too quickly.

The crew could have prepared a simpler trap in the cargo bay, some anesthazine gas for the humans and phasers (from gas mask wearing people hidden in the cargo bay) for Data, but then we wouldn't have that nice conversation with Picard.

Unsure why blowing the cargo bay doors would help. These being are now just energy, they could leave the suffocating bodies and re-enter the ship, as we see energy beings do all the time in Star Trek.

How many people thought that the aliens gave up too easily and how did they enter the force field to join the others?

Why not an ending where Geordie regains control of the transporter, transports the prisoners back down and the hostages out of the cargo bay, so the aliens scream in frustration. The aliens are forced out of their bodies, and exit the ship into space, then Enterprise floors it to get away from them. Leaving a mystery as to what will happen to these aliens floating in space. Will they be able to travel the galaxy and find a planet or to find another ship to take over? Perhaps too dark for Star Trek. :)
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