Assassin's Creed: Unity (2014 Video Game)
Another actual GOOD Assassin'c Creed game (Still has a few flaws though.)
2 February 2022
Alright let me start with, this is a good game. People say it has glitches but I can assure you that most of them have been patched in updates. Anyways, this game is a genuine good Assassin's Creed game that makes you feel like an actual Assassin. The game play with swords and guns and stuff is great, and feels amazing. The combat is top tier with no frame lags at all on my console (series x). The biggest flaw in my opinion though, is our main protagonist because MY GOD is he an idiot. Our main character is a guy named Arno, who wants to like expose the true powers of the French Revolution or something and it is not the most interesting sort of story, and Arno does not make it any better. I just feel like he has no emotion whatsoever and he feels like he's an AI. He does have some character depth though, I did feel sympathy for him when his dad died early on but he just isn't a character than you feel for like Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption II. But the best part of the game other than the combat and graphics, is this is the main multiplayer Assassin's Creed game. You can play co op with your friends via playstation plus or xbox live gold is a ground breaker for Assassin's Creed and it's such a shame they didn't add multiplayer to all the other games. Overall I recommend Assassin's Creed Unity if you wanna try one of the Assassin's Creed games out or if your a die hard fan or if you liked black flag.
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