Review of Inferno

Gomorrah: Inferno (2017)
Season 3, Episode 3
feel good episode. Part 'hitman', part Leon
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's rare that Gomorrah has something like a feel-good episode, but this is what we get with Ciro in Sofia, Bulgaria, having learned the language perfectly in what can't be more than a few months (have you ever tried learning an eastern european language?) and taking on the job of a local enforcer for a crime boss trafficking people from Albania etc.

Ciro was a good guy in the first series. At least he was until he did tortured and killed a young girl for information on her boyfriend (soberingly the episode was based on a real life crime). After that he became a full on murdering left right and centre thug, someone who had no apparent loyalty to anyone except his family and who could always be relied upon to turn his friends & associates against each other.

The second series, with the death (by his own hand) of his wife and his daughter (on the orders of Don Pietro) saw him receive a wake up call that now in the third seasons seems to be leading him towards a path of redemption. In this episode we see Ciro 'saving' his dead daughter so to speak when he comes across an obviously very young and innocent young Albanian girl being used as a sex slave by the local boss' trafficker son.

What follows is a refreshing feel-good, albeit in the form of the usual gritty realism we expect from Gomorrah. By the end of this episode Ciro has become both 'Hitman' from the game and Leon from the movie & its great to be in his company (In the following episode he seems instead to be channelling an 'Assassin's Creed' person)

It's a pleasant outing. One thing we couldn't get if the episode had been made in the anglosphere - is the young girl being presented totally nude. In the event although there is more explicit nudity in the episode it isn't done salaciously, and indeed one might say she is presented nuder in order to be covered up upon her rescue. Ciro leaves the girl looking like any other young teen, like the daughter he would have. But he just saves the one girl. He doesn't try to save all the trafficked women etc. So I guess he's on his redemption arc, but he's still an anti-hero doing what he has to do for his own sake. He's Ciro. Not Batman and we still cannot take his goodness - if that is what it is in this episode - for granted. One last point, if at the end of the last season Ciro had given up killing it's clear from this season, that that's not across the board. What that means in practice, we will have to wait to see.
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