mixed feelings about this one.
6 February 2022
5 stars because... Nam Joo-Hyuk. One star for shirtless... Nam Joo-Hyuk. Last star for good kissing scenes: Nam Joo-Hyuk really nails it every time. Chills.

Yes, I'm a fan. Is how I bore this to the end.

First 10 episodes are boring and the failed attempts at humour are just embarrasing. After that, it becomes okay. Still. Too many useless characters. The demi-god's existence is pointless. We're given no information about who he actually is. Habaek's first love has... disppeared? Was she not Hoo-Ye's mother? Who was the father? Couldn't it be Habaek? This could have been used to tighten the plot...

Even such questions are pointless, as nothing makes sense in this story. The characters' behaviours, feelings, motives and interactions are awkward, unrealistic. The whole thing feels like a patchwork of cheesy clichés that don't blend together to build a moving love story.

Besides, this is a story about gods. I mean GODS! I expected something grandiose at some point, an epic fight, a demonstration of immeasurable power. The special effects were watchable at best. What about the gods' way of life? They just wander around? Ah, yeah, they take care of Nature, saving fishes and other great stuff... So many things are left unexplained.

The ending. Reminds me of Duncan McLeod, except that, for some reason, (probably good acting and good plot and hard work) I felt for the Highlander, thinking of how he would have to live forever missing his wife. No way I'm pitying Habaek.

Overall, I don't regret watching this, but without NJH, I would. He's the reason why I came back to this drama when I had already given up once, after 40 minutes of ridiculous nonsense. 2 stars without him.
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