Star Trek: The Next Generation: Ensign Ro (1991)
Season 5, Episode 3
A Senior trekker writes................
6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Fifth Season of TNG contains some remarkably strong episodes while continuing to push the boundaries of what could be achieved within an episodic television format. It is notable for the tragic loss of its creator, Gene Roddenberry, who died on 24th October 1991 at the age of 70. His influence upon the positive depiction of humanity and diversity in Science Fiction endures to this day. Senior Trekker continues to score all episodes with a 5.

This episode introduces Michelle Forbes as the character of Ensign Ro Laren, a supposed traitor, released from imprisonment and seconded to the Enterprise crew for a single special mission. She is a Bajoran and we see here the genesis of this particular race of refugees and rebels, still living in camps and apparently plotting against their oppressors the Cardassians. Some of the details of their look and backstory will be amended before they appear next year as the principal alien race in Deep Space Nine but, for better or worse, this story supplies the prototype.

For some time writers had been looking to bring some conflict onto the Enterprise and having this prickly and resentful character to integrate into the bridge crew was felt to be a way of re-vitalising the series. That this didn't turn out to be such a good idea was either because it was too late in the series for a new regular cast member or because her character just failed to fit in. Whatever the cause, we do not see much of the actress at cast re-unions and Ensign Ro appeared in only eight episodes in total.

I have already admitted to taking a dislike to Ms Forbes's characterisations when she played Professor Timicin's daughter in last year's episode Half a Life, however, she did Trekkers the world over a huge favour when she turned down a part in the main cast of Deep Space Nine. Her acerbic and slightly insolent demeanour would not have worked in that more nuanced environment and we would not have been able to grow to love and respect the character of Kira Nerys as created over seven years by the matchless Nana Visitor.

Let's get back to this Next Generation story. It's not bad. It's even a little topical and, for once, the Federation can be seen having a little trouble staying up on its moral pedestal.
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