My eyes. My eyes!...
7 February 2022
Granted, I figured that this 2019 movie titled "Sex Terrorists on Wheels" was going to be a bad and dubious movie, but I do believe in giving a movie a chance. So I opted to sit down and watch what writers John Herndon and Stefan Ruf had to offer.

And believe you me, it wasn't much that was offered. This movie is horrible. It felt like a randy teenager was given free reins to write and direct a movie, and "Sex Terrorists on Wheels" was the result. The storyline told in this 2019 movie was just laughably stupid and anything but entertaining.

The movie is listed as a Western, but it is sort of a bit of everything thrown into a cauldron here, and the end result is a movie that is all over the place, yet managing to deliver nothing of anything.

It is hard to fathom how a movie such as "Sex Terrorists on Wheels" actually managed to make the transition from script to screen. But I am sure that there is an audience out there for cheese such as this. I just happen not to be in that particular audience.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress in this movie. And that is usually something I enjoy when watching movies, but "Sex Terrorists on Wheels" just offered nothing interesting or entertaining, so the actors and actresses were just fighting an already lost uphill battle here.

Visually then "Sex Terrorists on Wheels" was sort of a mixed bag of nuts. Some things in the movie was actually interesting enough and made nicely enough, while others just had me shaking my head in disbelief.

I will say that "Sex Terrorists on Wheels" is not a movie that you should waste your time, money or effort on. Some of us suffered through this ordeal in shorter or greater length, so you don't have to. The movie's cover was actually the best thing about the entire ordeal.

My rating of director Stefan Ruf's 2017 movie "Sex Terrorists on Wheels" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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