A Strange, Low-Budget, Biker Film
9 February 2022
This film begins with a young black woman (played by Margo Hope) being chased in a field by two white men who eventually end up raping her. No sooner do they finish, however, when several white women show up and proceed to beat them quite mercilessly. It is then revealed that these women belong to a motorcycle gang led by a man the name of "Speed" (Ross Hagen) who has recently been involved in a fight of his own because another man named "Turk" (Preston Pierce) happened to make advances to his attractive girlfriend "Donna" (Jill Woelfel). At any rate, once Speed and Donna finally rejoin the gang, the discussion quickly turns to an off-road motorcycle contest between several different biker outfits. Since there was trouble the last time due to the presence of the women, the decision is made to split up with the men going to the contest while the ladies ride to a nearby peaceful, hippy commune. What these women don't realize, however, is that these hippies aren't nearly as peaceful as they may seem and that once they arrive-they might not be able to leave. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a rather strange, low-budget, biker film which suffered from a weak script, bad acting and a meandering plot. Admittedly, it featured several attractive women with Regina Carroll (as "Margo"), Vicki Volante ("Terry") and the aforementioned Jill Woelfel standing out the most. Even so, their presence clearly wasn't enough to compensate for the flaws mentioned earlier and in good conscience I cannot rate this movie any higher than I have. Below average.
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